Tuesday, December 9, 2008

T-Minus 18 Days, and Counting

Has it really been two weeks since I've posted? It's been a blur. But I am finally getting a chance to breathe a bit, which I should really stop doing if I want to get this rough cut done by December 27th! It will get done. Just had to get through Thanksgiving week, then some work stuff at my job-job, and today - I was the guest speaker at a class on "Baltimore in Film" at UMBC.

I had never done anything like that before, and it turned out to be really fun. I think that "Acting for the Camera" class I took with Steve Yeager at the Creative Alliance last month really helped my nerves, this wasn't nearly as scary! The Professor, Kimberly Moffitt, was very nice and the students (about 40) seemed interested and asked a lot of questions and I didn't notice anyone sleeping. The angle I was addressing was, "Why Baltimore?", which I discuss in almost every posting in one way or another, so I won't bore you with a recap. Then we watched the trailer I made (with loads of help from Sean Stanley & crew) one year ago - and then we watched ( don't be mad, Cast!) a rough version of the NEW trailer, which I worked on (with some help from Kyle Holtgren, my actor who plays David) for six hours last night. There are a few things I still need to smooth out, but I hope to have up on YouTube by week's end. Both trailers seemed to go over well, and it was fun for me to see them back-to-back and see an objective audience's reaction to them. One of the things I am very excited about in the new trailer is that I used my FAVORITE song by my friends T.T. Tucker & the Bum Rush Band, "America is One Tough Town." It is PERFECT. Tucker & the boys worked really hard to get this song recorded for me in time to use it for the rough cut and I am very grateful to them for that. THANK YOU Tucker, Jamie, Wayne, Craig, Stevie & Lump! You guys literally ROCK.

As I've said, I've been really happy with the editing so far, but I haven't laid music in to any of the other stuff because everything is not perfectly set yet. But doing this trailer last night rejuvenated my spirit to get back to working hard on the edit, because now I can't wait to lay the rest of the music in! It makes a good piece SO much better, and it also helps to cover little mistakes and sound issues along the way.

I was glad to be able to speak at this class for a lot of reasons. For the sheer experience of it, and to meet the students, for starters. Preparing for the class and what questions they might have gave me the opportunity to take a moment and review the last year of my life and see how I got from Point A (embodied by the first trailer) to Point B (embodied by the second). I gave credit to as many people as I could as I spoke to them, because I sure as hell didn't do this all by myself - to my sounding boards and compatriots that kept me sane: Sean, Michelle, and Eric; to my amazing cast (Cheryl & Orlando, I bragged about you two toughing out the convertible scene in mid-November!); to my film & production crew, including my Army of Interns; to the Creative Alliance, which is an incredible resource I can't say enough good things about; to my incredibly generous investors, Tom, Mikey, and Dan (I told the students, "Make friends with smart people NOW - they will be the ones with money 20 years from now!"); to my friends who loaned me their homes, businesses, and sometimes even their acting talent to enrich the film; to the many artists and musicians who loaned me their work and further upped my production values; and to Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts for making jumping through a few hoops relatively inexpensive and painless.

Professor Moffitt (Kimberly) treated me to lunch afterwards, and one of her enthusiastic students, Winona, joined us. There I found out that Kimberly only moved here about three years ago and is not Baltimore's biggest fan yet. So now, as if I need more on my plate, it is my mission to convert her! So I invited her to the screening. I realize that having her meet a great many of my crazy friends and colleagues en masse is a plan that may send her packing her bags for NormalTown, but it is a chance I am willing to take. These are the people I know and love, the people that put the "Charm," in "Charm City," and life in this City with them is a lot of things, but it is never boring. Can't wait!

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