Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Recovery Checklist

Internet up here is spotty at best. I have access for a few minutes here and there, then it fades just as I am about to send an email or something, so I will keep this short.

Recommended items to speed recovery after shooting a feature-length film:

1. Dogs (squeezable, and they won't hold it against you when you are cranky and unbearable)
2. Convertible
3. Gorgeous weather
4. Friend with real estate in a desirable location
5. Unlimited access to said real estate
6. Nice restaurant near said real estate
7. Outlet shopping near said real estate
8. At least one credit card you have not maxed out on the feature-length film, to be used at said restaurant and outlets
9. Box of wine

I am pretty well set.

Back to Baltimore and on to the next film tomorrow. I have been hired as Production Manager on a film titled, "Juju," which starts production on Monday. It is a paying gig, which should just about cover the 2-3 days of pick-up shots that I need to schedule with Michelle to complete my own film, as well as the damage I did at the outlets today. But hey, I am going to be one well-dressed Production Manager!

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