Monday, December 24, 2007

It takes a mid-sized East Coast City

I am SO perma-smile right now. The party was great, as always, and there was quite a buzz going around before the big announcement and the surprise screening of the trailer. Why was this going to be the last Holiday Gala? Was I quitting my job at the hotel? Was the building being sold? Am I moving to Paris? I loved it. One of my neighbors said, "So are you pregnant, or going to jump out of the closet?" Once Sean had the screen and projecter set up, the buzz REALLY got going.

I kept it pretty simple and let the trailer speak for itself, just saying that I am going to be very busy in the coming year with my next project.

They loved it! They whooped and hollered and laughed in all the right places. I couldn't have been more pleased with the final product, and with everyone's response to it. Afterwards I was literally bombarded with offers of help to make it happen. Some people who are actors and want to get involved, others who are musicians and want to be a part of the soundtrack, everyone wanted to at least be an extra or put me in touch with other people who can help me. That is exactly what I was counting on. God Bless Smalltimore.

My buddy Kat offered herself. "So hey, if you need any, you know, hot black lesbians for the movie, let me know."

It's a film about Baltimore. OF COURSE I need hot black lesbians!!!

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